
Clone of The Upcoming ISO 16140-3 on Method Verification: Impact, Principles, implementation & Guidance



The forthcoming ISO 16140 Part 3 standard concerns the protocol for the verification of reference methods and validated alternative methods in a single laboratory. Isabelle DESFORGES and Dr Nicolas NGUYEN VAN LONG will explain the expected official release of the new ISO 16140-3 standard, its scope, its impact and relevance to a laboratory, the transition guide. They will also explain its implementation in the laboratory for the verification of qualitative, quantitative, and confirmation and typing methods following and how users could be helped in these new lab activities.


Welcome & Introduction: 5 min Linda Jackson, Food Focus Magazine (South Africa)

Dr Nicolas Nguyen Van Long R&D project leader - Alternative method validation in microbiology ADRIA Food expertise

Keynote Presentation: 45 min

Isabelle Desforges bioMérieux Industry Scientific Marketing, France

Questions & Answers: 10 min

Moderator: Linda Jackson


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