연구조사 보고서

#5 - Surprise: 병원체를 찾았습니다! 환경 병원체의 관리

이 장은 환경 병원체의 관리에 대한 짧은 시리즈의 마지막 장입니다. 이전 기사를 통해 공장의 환경 병원체 관리 프로그램에 대한 식견을 쌓을 수 있었을 것입니다.

아직 해결되지 않은 것은 단 하나입니다. 공장에서 병원체를 발견하면 어떻게 해야 하는지 말입니다. 대개는 첫 번째로 공황 반응을 보입니다
그러나 미리 결정된 대응 계획이 있다면 그렇지 않을 것입니다.

이 다섯 번째이자 마지막 기사에서 Jack van der Sanden은 병원체 샘플 중 하나에서 양성이 나왔을 때 해야 할 일에 대해 설명하고, 그 영향를 완화하기 위한 몇 가지 조치를 소개할 것입니다.


웨비나를 다운로드하려면 다음 양식을 작성해 주십시오

Written by

International Food Safety Advisor

Jack van der Sanden is an international food safety advisor. He has been part of the global food industry for over 30 years.

After obtaining a food technology degree in The Netherlands, Jack joined the food industry as production supervisor. He migrated to New Zealand in 1990, where he obtained a post-graduate diploma in dairy science and technology at Massey University.


Over the years, he rose through the ranks and ended-up managing production, technical and food safety & quality teams. This cross-functional exposure enabled him to find pragmatic solutions, that strengthened food safety and quality systems in different multinational organizations.

During his career, he has not only advised small and medium-sized businesses in the food industry in New Zealand, but has also managed international consultancy projects in the United States, Europe and China. His expertise has opened many doors for him, from leading training in food safety and quality to mentoring many professionals in the food industry around the world.

During the last 10 years, he has specialised in Environmental Pathogen Management (EPM) and advised food industries in the design of pre-ventive and effective EPM programs.

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