Food Chain Microbiology Standards Newsflash #29 SPANISH
Food Chain Microbiology: Normative, Scientific, Regulatory and bioMérieux Certifications update
We are pleased to provide our latest edition of the Food Chain Microbiology Standards NEWSFLASH #29.
This new edition of our bioMérieux NEWSFLASH relating to:
• Food Microbiology Standards (new published or revised ISO, CEN, FDA-BAM, USDA/FSIS standards)
• Key publications (rules or regulations, guidelines, scientific advices)
• bioMérieux solutions official certifications (new validations on alternative methods validated according to ISO 16140-2, AOAC …) since the previous edition
• General information to access to all bioMerieux certified methods and to find all our NEWSFLASH communications
This NEWSFLASH allows you to be informed on a regular basis and is now available via our website.