EMEA Beverage Quality Conference - EBQC - 2023
Únase a líderes de opinión, expertos y profesionales de toda Europa para compartir las mejores prácticas y debatir el futuro de la industria de las bebidas en un mercado altamente competitivo.
Tendrá la oportunidad de conocer las últimas perspectivas y avances desarrollados para proteger su marca y la salud de los consumidores de bebidas, así como la optimización de los procesos de su compañía.
Juice Beverage trends
Ponente: John Collins, Executive Director, International Fruit and Vegetable Juice Association
IFU and the microbiological methods
Ponente: Aintzane Esturo, Technical Director, International Fruit and Vegetable Juice Association (IFU)
Application of Metagenomics in Structured Problem Solving - Bottled Water industry example
Ponente:Kalliopi Chalkou, Group Food Safety & Suppliers Quality Manager, Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company
Spoilage of thermal processed juices and beverages: An overview
Ponente: Dr. Emilia Rico, CEO and President, BCN Research Laboratories, Inc. USA
Moderador: Tamara Djurjic, Head of Quality Assurance, Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company
Co-moderador: Franck Andrieux, bioMérieux
Dekkera, a common enemy
Ponente:Raul Jesus Mesa Gonzalez, Senior Manager QESH CS&SC Central, Coca Cola EuroPacific Partners
From the needs to the customization of a solution for the detection of beverages spoilers
Ponente: Frederic Simon, Food Scientific Affairs Director, bioMerieux
Heat treatment calculations and their possibilities
Ponente:Ir. Barry Beemsterboer, Process Technology – Microbiology, Doehler Holland B.V.
Austria Trend Parkhotel Schönbrunn
Hietzinger Hauptstraße 10-14, Vienna 1130 - Austria
No digital Broadcast
Free of charge