bioMerieux is pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming PharmaTechnica Congress.
From 20 – 22 April 2021 the PharmaTechnica congress will take place virtually for the second time.
During the congress, we will have the pleasure to present the following session:
Bioproduction & ATMPs: How to Better Drive your Performance & Productivity with Better Process and Microbiological Control
• What are the quality failure risks ?
• How can a production process be better controlled ?
• What is the value of In Process Testing to improve productivity?
• Review of usable Automated & Rapid Microbial Methods (ARMM)
Arnaud Paris
Director of the Healthcare Scientific Affairs for Microbiology at bioMerieux, Arnaud was previously the Director of the R&D, developing all microbiological detection solutions for the healthcare industries. With over 13 years of pharmaceutical microbiology experience, Arnaud has an extensive knowledge of all the Biotechnology and Cell & Gene Therapies (ATMPs) drug QC. From traditional culture media solutions to fully automated and ultra-rapid microbiology detection technologies, Arnaud helped developed a wide portfolio of solutions for the healthcare industries.
Active member of the ECA Pharmaceutical Microbiology Working group, the ECA ATMP Interest group, the PDA, the AABB and the ISBT Working Party on TTID, and the BioPhorum group on Rapid Testing.
Felix Montero
Felix is a Global Director of the Healthcare Scientific Affairs at bioMerieux, Félix was previously the R&D Director for 3 years of Chemunex R&D developing microbiological detection solutions for the healthcare industries. With over 25 years of biotechnology, clinical diagnostics, life sciences and pharmaceutical microbiology experience, Félix has an extensive knowledge of all the quality control of Biotechnology drugs and Cell & Gene Therapies (ATMPs). Félix is an expert in the field of rapid and alternative microbiological methods. Active member of the PDA, USP, ISAC, A3P and the BioPhorum group. Félix have a PhD in Immunology from the University of Aix-Marseille in France.
Book your virtual seat and register now at