Conferência Internacional sobre a Qualidade dos Laticínios - EDQC 2022 Webinar extra Qualidade dos laticínios e melhores práticas laboratoriais
EDQC - 2022 bonus webinar
We are happy to host Isabelle Desforges from the Standardization committees for Food Microbiology and Antoine CABON from Danone, discussing and presenting respectively about dairy quality norms and microbial cross-contamination risk and mitigation.
2:30 - 3:00 PM CET Normative and Regulatory News
Isabelle Desforges, Global Scientific Marketing & Scientific Affairs Manager at bioMérieux
3:00 - 3:30 PM CET Strain Management in the Laboratory
Antoine Cabon, Analytical Governance Manager at Danone
3:30 – 4 PM CET Q&A