Enoforum 2022
ENOFORUM is the largest technical-scientific congress in Europe for the wine sector.
It is the only congress that brings together producers, oenologists and agronomists, researchers and technology providers, encouraging the birth and development of innovation in the wine sector.
Since 2000 it has taken place every two years in Italy, Spain and Portugal (InfowineForum), and since 2021 also in the USA.
In 2022 it will be held in Spain, at the Zaragoza fair from April 20 to 21 and it will be 100% face-to-face.
We are pleased to welcome you at our booth 5!
Efficient monitoring of Brettanomyces bruxellensis - molecular biology within accessible to all wineries with Marcia Torres Forno from Jackson Family Wines and Julieta Arévalo from bioMérieux.
Marcia Torres senior oenologist at Jackson Family Wines led an R&D&I project together with Invisible Sentinel, a company belonging to the bioMérieux group, to find a fast, effective and precise solution for the detection of Brettanomyces bruxellensis in the winery, based on molecular biology.
Said solution had to be, in addition to being economical, feasible at the implementation level and capable of being adaptable to different profiles of Jackson Family Wines group wineries.
We go through the main current detection techniques, but above all we will delve into proactive monitoring, its economic advantages and protocol management.
We will demonstrate the VERIFLOW® solution live with real samples and their corresponding reading of results.