GENE-UP® Rapid Microbial Detection Solution
Accurate molecular pathogen detection is crucial to ensure the quality and safety of many product categories. Modern supply chains require fast microbial detection to verify product safety and release goods and material for distribution or further processing in an efficient manner. To help companies meet these objectives, bioMérieux provides the easy-to-use GENE-UP® rapid microbial identification solution. With an intuitive workflow, wide range of throughput levels and an open platform delivering excellent flexibility, the GENE-UP® solution helps analysts make confident decisions based on faster and more accurate microbial testing processes.
Reinforce Quality & Secure Data: Make Lab data management real thanks to Connect-Up!
start with BLUELINE™

Automatically dilute 1 to 375g samples.

Rapid, automated preparation of 1 to 20 liters of ready-to-dispense broth.

Efficiently homogenize samples up to 375g.
detect with GENE-UP®

Rapid – speed up operations with quick pathogen detection

Simple and intuitive to set up- Run in less than 1 hour

Reliable – for consistently high-quality results
identify with 微生物同定ソリューション

A high-quality portfolio of 3 advanced solutions, from manual to automated

Over 100 identifications of microorganisms performed every minute worldwide using bioMérieux solutions


